Design Graphic with Freeware

Design Graphic with Freeware

There are so many in the world of a person with amazing talents. Each person has God determined by his own ability. And we who have got the grace must use it well. Never ever be misused.


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One of the grace is a beautiful art that appears to have every creature. The art could include dance, art, sculpture, graphic arts and more.

And in today's digital world, graphic art is a very promising field (if you are an art worker, let alone painting). We can make a very interesting art with digital media. If we were still using paper, canvas and other contemporary tools, now no longer. Our work media has turned into a computer and tablet only.

With creative capital we can pour anything into the digital art. To apply the creativity we need the work media. And the media work we can get by using the application or software.

What software can be used to create digital art?

One software that will catch your attention is Inkscape which is freeware. Because this application is developed and distributed for free. Different things with competitors or the best on it. That requires users to purchase a license to be able to use it.

Inkscape is quite familiar with the emergence of Linux-based OS. The software is very lightweight and easy to use. Small installation size (not up to 100MB), making us will save so much space on the hard drive.

In addition, the latest Inkscape update can be used in conjunction with pen tablets. Very similar to Adobe Illustrator which has already brought this innovation. We can draw freely using pen tablet instead of mouse. If previously we still have to slide the mouse here and there. Now no longer. Note that you already have pen tablets.

Interested in using Inkscape too? Free download on official site now.